Nouveau firmware pour le jukebox multimedia

Le firmware 1.21 est sorti sur le site archos. Je n’ai pas pu le tester, mais les fans de l’archos jukebox seront ravis. (merci babal pour l’information dans le forum 😉 )

Le détail des changements est le suivant :

New Functionality: DVR020 module support (with IR remote control)
New Functionality: APIC (album cover enclosed in mp3 files) are shown automatically
in backgroud and can be displayed without OSD info by long press on ‘info’ key.
New Functionality: User can choose one of the GUI color profile he likes in the ‘settings’ menu.
New Functionality: A green indicator in the top bar flash when the HDD is accessed

Fixed bug: large jpegs can be displayed without error message
Fixed bug: Fix rare case where small unreadable avi file was recorded with camera
Fixed bug: fix issue on usage of Fat12 with memory card readers.
Fixed bug: high capacity CFC problem with shutdown during copy is now fixed
Fixed bug: Usage of fast rewind on mp3 playback can be used correctly now

Improvement: display and decoding of images can be stopped at any time by short action on the ‘off’ key
Improvement: camera x1/x2 zoom is available in video recording
Improvement: I+P video encoding for camera module
Improvement: Playlist editor shows current track highlighted
Improvement: Improved audio to video synchronization in avi recordings
Improvement: Adding a file to a playlist will show this file marked immediately
Improvement: PREV key goes to start of song, when pressed during first 2 seconds goes to previous
song (like most CD players).
Improvement: When pressing STOP after MP3, browser does not return to position of last track,
instead goes to last browse position.

Fixed bug: HDD green indicator has been centered on video ouput display
Fixed bug: APIC display is correctly ereased when playback stops
Fixed bug: « ocean » and « Terminal » color templates are now using different colors for text and background
to display playlist currently selected track
Fixed bug: mp3 recording works fine now if it is done after the playback of a WAV file (PCM)
Fixed bug: vbr bitrate was not read in mp3 songs encoded with no id3v2 tag. Now fixed.

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Catégorisé comme ACTUS

0 commentaire

    1. > yep télécomande?
      Il faut attendre il vont sortir un telecomande FMqui te permettra d’ecouter la radio, de faire tes choix et de controler l’enregistrement a partir de l AVR dont la sortie est prevu courant avril. Au fait MR le televore ou en es tu avec ton JBM. Allez Ciao @ +

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