nouveaux firmwares archos multimedia

Deux nouveaux firmwares pour l’archos multimedia jukebox 20 et 120:
– 1.30 pour 020 : Je ne recopie que les ameliorations :
« Improvement: True full screen picture viewer
Improvement: Fast redraw of pictures carroussel after picture selection
Improvement: New battery power control
Improvement: Prevent aborting APIC loading
Improvement: Progress bar of video loading/parsing
Improvement: Video loading can be aborted with stop key
Improvement: Video streams created with DVR or camera modules can be edited
Improvement: Hourglass icon indicates detection of video standard in progress
Improvement: MP3 header parsing improvement to retrieve song information and correct elapsed time
Improvement: Remote FM and DVR store their editable configuration file in a hidden directory « System »
Improvement: MP3 recording sample rate and quality settings in order
Improvement: Brightness now increases when slider is moved to the right (Left dimmer / Right brighter) »

– v1.1.0 pour AV120:

Improvement: True full screen picture viewer
Improvement: Fast redraw of pictures carroussel after picture selection
Improvement: New battery power control
Improvement: Prevent aborting APIC loading
Improvement: Progress bar of video loading/parsing
Improvement: Video loading can be aborted with stop key
Improvement: Video streams created with DVR or camera modules can be edited
Improvement: Hourglass icon indicates detection of video standard in progress
Improvement: MP3 header parsing improvement to retrieve song information and correct elapsed time
Improvement: Remote FM and DVR store their editable configuration file in a hidden directory « System »
Improvement: MP3 recording sample rate and quality settings in order
Improvement: Brightness now increases when slider is moved to the right (Left dimmer / Right brighter)

Pour les AV300, il y a aussi la version OS 1.00.10 …

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Catégorisé comme ACTUS

0 commentaire

  1. > nouveaux firmwares archos multimedia
    Parlant tres mal l angalis quelqu un pourrait il m expliquer les nouveautes de ce firmware pour le multimedia20


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